Embark on a journey beyond the ordinary with Orion, where each experience is a bespoke masterpiece, sculpted to fit your adventures.


At Orion, we redefine the standards of explorer yachts with a responsible approach to yachting. We are committed to offering a luxurious Tailor made experience while preserving our planet through an unparalleled eco-conscious approach. Orion's explorer yachts incorporate cutting-edge technology and sustainable materials, ensuring a minimal ecological footprint. The optimal hybridization of our vessels, coupled with clever use of solar panels, guarantees increased autonomy and continuous battery recharge.

You'll stay self suffisent anywhere in the world, with no engine running, quietly, environmentally friendly.


Embark on an adventure where customization reaches unparalleled heights, where environmental responsibility is ingrained in every fiber of our creations.


With Orion, your onboard experience transcends the extraordinary, blending bespoke perfection with technology, elegance, and nature in maritime haute couture.